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'“Barriga Llena Corazón Contento”
Jingle Street is a mobile application that will allow people to find local street vendors. Order food for pick up, and share your experience on the app!
At Jingle Street, we are passionate about bringing people together, and the food they share. We believe that every human being should be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their background or profession. We believe that hard working people deserve a fair shot at functioning in peace. Lastly, we believe in giving back to the community and together, we believe we can achieve this goal. Together, we can move forward and simplify the careers of all street vendors. Y como dice mi mamá, "barriga llena corazón contento.”
I remember growing up and running outside every time a paletero (ice cream man) walked down the street. That magical jingle tone coming from the bells meant one thing, that I would be eating ice cream that day. This positive core memory lives within me. It reminds me of family, humility, and love. For these reasons, I decided to name my company, Jingle Street. Today, it is my duty to give back to the street vendor community. Street vendors deserve dignity, and an environment where they can make a living in peace without fear or harassment. Believe me when I say I am working hard to achieve this goal and together, I believe that we can.
“Si Se Puede!”
L. Flores
CEO Jingle Street LLC
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